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featuring speaker Mr. Stephen Demirjian

APRIL 10, 2018 @ 6.30pm

@ Sheraton Commander Hotel

16 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138

Please join us Tuesday, April 10th at 6.30pm at the Sheraton Commander Hotel in Cambridge, MA for our ABN Winter Business Networking event presenting Mr. Stephen Demirjian, Senior Performance Expert from The Achieve Institute, who will be conducting a special complimentary workshop for ABN members and share some of the institute's methods and processes for taking personal and work performance to the next level to achieve extraordinary results. The workshop with be followed by networking at Nubar.

The Achieve Institute is a highly successful global consulting company focused on helping executives from Verizon, Humana and other Fortune 100 companies achieve high performance, excel and compete. Mr. Demirjian is one of the leading experts on this subject, we are fortunate to have him with us and present to our members. Space is limited – don’t miss this great opportunity and sign up now!

We look forward to seeing you all on March 13th! Please RSVP to by March 9.


6.30pm – Registration

7pm-8pm – Speaker in the Mt. Vernon Ballroom
8-10pm - Networking at Nubar


VENUE: Sheraton Commander Hotel and Nubar Restaurant @ 16 Garden St, Cambridge MA 02138

Please find more information on the venue at and

Please note: valet parking available for $10.00 with ticket validation at Nubar.

If you are not currently an ABN Member you can join at the link below, however, membership is not a requirement for attending the March 13th event. Please feel free to extend this invitation to your Armenian contacts in the New England area, as you deem appropriate.

To join ABN visit and request to join on the ABN homepage, through the LinkedIn and Facebook icons.

Kind Regards,

ABN Executive Team

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